Aliexpress Laser hair removal machine, Laser hair removal review, 알리익스프레스 레이저 제모기 후기

Aliexpress Laser hair removal machine, Laser hair removal review,  알리익스프레스 레이저 제모기 후기

I had bought another laser hair removal machine on January 17th at Alixpress before I bought this laser hair removal machine. The first laser hair removal machine broke down only in two days. So I got a refund about first laser hair removal machine and I bought second product from Aliexpress again. I paid for second product on January 29th and received it on February 6th from Aliexpress. The shipping has been delivered to AliExpress Standard Shipping.

처음 알리익스프레스에서 구매한 레이저제모기가 이틀만에 고장이나서

환불 받고 다시 알리에서 다른 제품으로 재구매했습니다

1월 29일 결제 했고 2월 6일 수령했습니다

배송은 알리익스프레스 스탠다드 쉬핑 (AliExpress Standard Shipping) 으로 배송되었습니다

Aliexpress Laser hair removal machine, Laser hair removal review,  알리익스프레스 레이저 제모기 후기

They packed the laser hair removal machine thoroughly to prevent damage to the laser hair removal machine before they sent it to me. So the laser hair remover machine was safely delivered to me.

완충재를 이중으로 포장해 주셔서 안전하게 배송됐습니다

Aliexpress Laser hair removal machine, Laser hair removal review,  알리익스프레스 레이저 제모기 후기

Laser hair removal box packages included sunglasses, razors, plugs, and a manual of operating instructions

박스 안에 선글라스, 제모기, 면도기, 플러그, 설명서가 동봉되어 있습니다

오자마자 사용해봤습니다

일단 작동은 잘합니다

효과는 아직 모르겠습니다

2주 후 레이저 제모기 효과는 다시 포스팅하겠습니다

아래 동영상은 직접 시연한 영상입니다 9초 정도 되니 확인해보세요

I used it as soon as I got the machine. Well, it's working fine. I still don't know if this machine has a hair removal effect. I'll post again about the hair removal effect of this machine in two weeks.

I took a video that I'm using a laser hair removal machine.

check this video ▼


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